
We are an active club offering a wide variety of activities each month, including the following:

Weekly Meetups- Each Tuesday morning the club meets at a local church or park (seasonal) for socialization, free play, crafts and various other activities.

Monthly Planning Meetings - Each month the club gets together to review club business and upcoming activities.  Children are present during the meetings.

Playgroups - These groups meet weekly and are held at members' homes or at local parks on a rotating schedule. Our playgroups are age-specific.

Community Service Projects - We believe in the value of teaching community service to our kids and participate in at least one service project per year benefiting children.  

Outings to Local Attractions - Each month we have one or two visits arranged to local attractions, such as the zoo, museum, or an indoor play area. This is a good way to enjoy some of the great things our city has to offer for children without having to go alone or on the weekend. (And, you might even benefit from a group discount!)

MOMS Night Out/In - Each month, we plan one event for moms to get together, which might be dinner out, game night, movie-night, etc.

Helping Hands - This is a program we offer to moms who need a little extra assistance after the birth of a baby, an illness, or a personal loss. We provide meals, run errands, babysit - whatever we can do to help.

Monthly Newsletter - We publish a newsletter each month containing a calendar of the month's activities,  club business, and various other bits of news. The newsletter is sent electronically to all members.

Leadership - We have many opportunities for you to get involved in the leadership of our club. We are completely a volunteer organization and can use all types of skills to make all of these activities possible. This is a terrific way to keep some of your own skills fresh.
Service Project
Esther Short Park
OMSI Science Playground
Klineline Pond