Contact Us

MOMS® Club Vancouver-West, WA geographical boundaries are: South of 78th Street and West of Andreson.  Feel free to call or e-mail us to see if you fall within our boundaries.
For membership information e-mail [email protected]

Phone Holly, the Membership VP at 360 882-0138.

If you live outside our boundary, the International MOMS
® Club would love to help you locate or start a chapter in your area.  You can e-mail them at [email protected] for more information. 

We are currently accepting new members. Guests are welcome to attend any Tuesday morning event and permitted to attend two activities prior to making the decision about becoming a member. 

Dues are $20 per year and they pay for supplies, postage, copies, and our national registration.   We are an IRS registered non-profit organization, so any money collected is used exclusively for our programs and projects.  All officers and coordinators are volunteers.  We understand that being a mom-at-home often means a tight family budget, so if dues would be a hardship for your family, please contact the President.